footstep in the snow

8 Tips for Winter Cleaning Your Home

During our daily winter routines, we track snow and salt into our homes, the heat is constantly running, and the widows rarely are open allowing dust to hover around the home. Here are some winter cleaning tips to get you started.

Build up on the windows can block sunlight from coming in. Mix water and vinegar solution together and wipe down all windows, sills and framing. Repeat cleaning process until you’ve reached the desired results.

Vinyl and Tile Floors
Build up from melting salt water can make your floors look dull and dirty. To combat this, take the time to scrub the floors. Add two tablespoons of dish soap into a bucket of warm water and mop the floors. Repeat this process a few times for a clean finish. Then rinse with a clean mop.

Hardwood Floors
An unpleasant whitish sheen will develop from melting salt water. To combat this, take the time to clean the floors. Use a wood cleaning product and follow the label instructions. Once you mixed the solution, wring out the mop until it is almost dry to the touch and damp mop the floor. Rinse with a clean damp-mop ensuring to wipe up excess liquid because standing water can damage wood surfaces. Operate a fan to speed up drying process (optional).

Salt, soil, dust and dirt collects in between every carpet fiber. To flush it out it is recommended to steam clean your carpet.

Kitchen Walls and Ceiling
Moisture, fumes and smoke from cooking can build up a film on the walls and ceiling. Mix a small amount of dish soap in a bucket of warm water and gently scrub with a sponge, using only a minimum amount of water (not enough to drip).

Another method that works great is a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.

Having a clean home is important to all of us, especially to those of us who suffer from breathing difficulties, allergies and sensitivities. 80% of all soil in your home is dry. Start dusting from the top of your home down including all baseboards, doors, ledges, ceiling fans, shelves, dressers and tables.

Changing your furnace filter regularly improves heating in the winter. Running a clean furnace reduces your utility costs and extends the life of your furnace.
Just remember to check your furnace filter monthly and change it when it’s dirty.

Air Duct
Many people get their air ducts professionally cleaned to reduce the amount of dust, germs and allergens floating around. It can also help your furnace run more efficiently.